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Summer Safety – Helmets Save Lives

Learning to ride a ‘two-wheeler’ is a milestone in the development of a child. A bicycle offers a source of enjoyment and independence in addition to the benefits of physical activity. In my childhood, the thrill of riding my bike was matched only by the adventures that it provided transport to and from. I grew up in Santaquin, surrounded by majestic mountains. My teenage years were filled with countless hours of my friends and I coursing the many trails in the area. The beauty of a mountain scene, the challenge of a difficult climb, and the thrill of a downhill descent provided plenty of motivation to get back on the bike in spite of the occasional crash.

As I became more involved with mountain biking, I was fortunate to have a wise mentor that insisted that a bicycle helmet was a necessary element for any bike ride. My first helmet was nicknamed ‘the eggshell’ by my friends. It was a glossy white, poorly ventilated, purely utilitarian model that set uncomfortably on my head regardless of how it was positioned. However, it’s quite possible that I owe my life to that helmet.

Somewhat reluctantly I wore ‘the eggshell’ for the first time on a trail I had traveled many times before. The hard foam seemed to rattle around over bumpy terrain and made streams of sweat run into my eyes that were normally carried away by the wind. On a fairly technical descent, my front wheel slipped into a deep rut and I was immediately thrown over the handlebars. I was still airborne when my head struck a sizable tree. I crumpled to the ground as my friends gathered around the scene of the crash. As designed, ‘the eggshell’ had taken the brunt of the blow. I rode away from the incident without significant injury and a conviction amongst the entire group that riding with a helmet is the first rule to bicycle safety.

Hundreds of thousands of children are injured in bicycle-related accidents each year. Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death and long-term disability from bike crashes. Having children wear a helmet is the single most effective measure for the prevention of significant injury from a bicycle accident.

The benefits of wearing a helmet have been supported by many studies, but the use of helmets amongst children is still low. Parent’s encouragement of helmet use has been shown to be a powerful influence in whether or not their children consistently wear a helmet when riding.

I still enjoy cycling to this day. Whether a road ride with my wife, or a day hitting the trail with my sons. Bike riding can be a great way to exercise and unwind. There are even some studies that suggest that regular cycling can improve academic performance in children. As the summer months hit and kids are out riding bikes in greater numbers, be certain to provide for them a proper fitted helmet and require them to use it. Your children are not likely to avoid the occasional bike crash as they pedal around the neighborhood, but please make the step you can take so that they have the protection they need if they take so that they have the protection they need if they take a spill.

Additional Resources:

Haley Pledger, PA
Women’s Care
Matthew Walton, DO
Austin Bills, DO
Family Medicine
Aaron Fausett, PA
Family Medicine
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